Video AERO-EXPO 2013 While at the AERO-EXPO in Friedrichshafen Germany Dan Johnson talks Frank Hoffman Vice President of BRS, Engineering and Frank Miklis responsible for BRS Sales and Technics in Europe about BRS parachute systems for ultralight and light sport aircraft. They discuss some of the upcoming changes to BRS systems and about some of the nearly 300 lives that BRS ballistic recovery systems have saved to date. ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #285 Rescue life #281 Rescue lives #277-280 Rescue lives #275 and 276 Rescue lives #270 and 271 Rescue life #267
First Cessna save! June-27-2011, Holly Spring/MS/USA. The parachute system installation was just finished and the pilot/owner picked his Cessna 182 up. During takeoff the engine quit over trees and the pilot deployed the chute very close to the ground at 300-400 feet. The pilot, the well prominent attorney John Booth Farese, was able to get out of the aircraft, but has knee and back injuries and is currently in the hospital.
……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #265 and 266 Rescue life #264 Rescue life #263
Jan 27th, 2011, Cross City, Florida, USA, Cirrus, lost of engine power, unlandable terrain. No injuries ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue life #262
Dec 22nd, 2010, Ohio, USA, Moyes Dragonfly Pilot entered uncontrolled dive while cruising at 1,500′AGL and elected to deploy parachute when unable to pull out. Landed in farm field. A/C sustained repairable damage to undercarriage. No injuries. ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue life #261
Dec 15th 2010, Nacogdoches, TX, USA, Cirrus, engine out. ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue lives #259 and #260
Nov-14-2010, Muehlhausen near Regensburg / Germany; FK-14, spin, lost of control, both pilots uninjuried The parachute was repacked by BRS-Service in Speyer in year 2006 ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue lives #257 and #258
Sept 30th 2010, Cirrus, loss of control in bad weather, activation in 500 ft AGL. ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue lives #254 and #255
August 16th 2010, Air Safety was notified that SR22-1981, N513CM, lost engine power and deployed the CAPS. Two persons on board and no injuries reported. The airplane landed approximately 4 miles northwest of the McCurtin County Regional Airport (4O4), in Idabel, Oklahoma ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue lives #244 and #245
Mai 08th 2010, Germany Jueterbog/Altes Lager,UL SKYRANGER, engine failure over unlandable terrain, chute pulled in “doppel tree hight”, aircraft was sinking between the trees, both pilots not injured ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue life #243
January 2010,Australia, SR-22, engine failure over Great Barrier Reef, pilot pulled the chute and was rescued from the water ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue lives #239 and #240
Juli 2009,Sweden, CTSW, lost of control in IMC, activation in ra. 6.000 ft, aircraft was totaly demaged at landing in forest, pilot and passenger without injuries ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue life #234
Tue, 09 Jun ’09
*SR22 With Engine Trouble Pulls Chute Monday Evening* An early model SR22 (N34TG, SN #386, file photo below) ran into engine trouble Monday night and the pilot elected to pull the CAPS emergency parachute system to affect a recovery. According to local media sources, the aircraft reported trouble at 2010 local time near Elkin. NC. LOW-SPEED-Rettung
(Auslösung im Trudeln) Rescue lives #212 and #213
Ungarn, 20. April 2008, eine Zodiac fällt bei Stallübungen in 900 m Höhe ins Trudeln. Versuche der Piloten, das Trudeln auszuleiten, blieben erfolglos. Aktivierung des BRS in ca. 150 m Höhe, alles verläuft perfekt: kein Entfaltungsstoss zu spüren Piloten absolut unverletzt geringe Schäden am Flugzeug. ………………………………………………………………..
Rescue with a BRSTM
Rescue life #323 Febr-25 2015, Cirrus SR22, Fuel problems ferry flight to Hawai. ………………………………………………………………… Rescue life #304, 305, 306 1) In Claveau France an SR22 (F-HAPH)lost power over unlandable terrain, two people on board, no injuries. Deployed at 2000’ agl. Saves #304,305 2) In Buckhannon, WV, an SR22 (N-450TX) lost power on long final approach, deployed at about 550’agl, landed on pickup truck!, but everyone walked away. Save #306 Rescue life #295 …………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #291-294 Rescue life #288-290 ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #286-287 ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #282 “saved #245” passed exam for SPL(F) ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #273 und 274 Rescue life #269 Unmanned Martin Jetpack Climbs To 5000′ and Tests Ballistic Parachute Deployment/Recovery AERO 2011 / Friedrichshafen
touching moments during the fair: flanked by members of the BRS Team, Bernd Vögeli and Frank Miklis the most likely last surviving Pilot, shot down by WWII Fighters, Valentin Rosemann, until now only known als saved life #241. Valentin told about his accident, the injuries and how fast he could get back into an airplane – His familiy was also very thankful and happy that he had a BRS onboard as the accident occured. News to us: His in “age slightly advanced” flightstudent did not pass away as a result of the acccident, but due to cardiopulmunary breakdown.
Rescue life #253
August 15th 2010,Argentina,RANS S-9,broken wing by acrobatics, pilot not injured
Rescue life #242
Oktober 7th 2009, USA, a “simple” microlight was falling into spin ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #237 and #238
August 1st 2009,Airborne Trike, Pilot:Tom Defino, lost of control in strong tubulances, activation in ra. 300 ft ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #233 Rescue lifes #230 HIGH-SPEED-Rescue Rescue life #214 Quelle Fliegermagazin 10/2008 ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #210 and #211 Danke der Lokalredaktion des Tageblattes für die Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung.
EAA AirVenture OSHKOSH – You can find us in Hangar B, Booth 2018 The new installation kit for VAN´s RV´s will be presented more under Systems/VAN´s ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #283 and 284 Rescue life #272 ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #268
……………………………………………………………….. Rescue life #256 ……………………………………………………………….. Rescue lives #251 and #252 Rescue lives #247-#250 Rescue life #246 Rescue life #241 Rescue lives #235 and #236 Rescue lives #231 and #232 February 2009 19. Februar 2009 ……………………………………………………………….. ROCKET MOTORS FOR UL, LSA, EXPERIMENTAL On November 7, 2007 final tests for the new BRS-rocket motors type BRS301 and BRS440 have been performed at the test area of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing / Horstwalde south of Berlin. Despite of storm and rain the german stakeholders of BRS Inc., Bernd Vögeli (service/repack) and Frank Miklis (marketing & sales) successfully presented both rocket motor systems. With the permission of BAM-PT2-number for the BRS440 according to SprengG a rocket motor is available by now also for the german market which can be utilized both for the big UL-parachutes (BRS-6-1050 DaeC/475 kg/275 km/h) and for Experimental/LSA (BRS-1350/612 kg/222 km/h) as well ……………………………………………………………….. New agreement with Cessna
On October 4, 2007 BRS Inc. announced a new agreement with Cessna witch will make its unique parachute systems available for the entire family of Cessna piston singles, from the new C-162 Skycatcher all the way up to the top of the C-206 Stationair. Cessna service stations across the world will offering the installation in C-172 and C-182 later the year 2007. BRS will begin immediately developing an STC for the parachutes to be installed in the C-206. |